Friday, September 16, 2011


Settling down here at University Malaysia Pahang campus Pekan. This university has two campuses, where the other one is located at Gambang. It is about an hour drive by bus from Pekan. Yes, it is very rural, as the 30 minutes driveway out of my university consists of empty lands. After that half an hour drive, you will start to see buildings and shopping malls. I would say the area at Kuantan is something like our Penang's mainland. Yes, still not likable by many Penangnites. Water shortage has been occurring for the past few days and we bathed at public toilets in the lecture building. This is not something you guys will get to do in your comfort zone. I call it experience! Cows and cow dungs are common objects to be seen but it is us that are invading their territory. Everything is new so I shall consider that as lucky as some other universities out there do not provide these advantage for them. To get good food, sacrifice some time to go out there and explore. Good food will not come to you if you do not reach out for them.

Many of my friends asked me how is it here? Can survive or not? Lol
I am here for 2 weeks already and surprisingly I am fine with it here. Hard to believe, yet it is the truth. Transferring from a happening state (well, KL comes first) to rural area is very eye-opening. I have to do everything here by myself when back at home, mom did the chores. Here I wash my own clothes, clean my own room, have my own meals with what is provided. It is definitely a life changing from me but it makes me independent and my survival mode is turned on! The very first is to make friends with people all over Malaysia. I came here solo with no companion but I fear not. With fear, I will accomplish nothing. So the friendship process goes on and students here are nice and friendly because we are going through the same problem. Being stuck up serves no purpose in this environment. In conclusion, I like it how I will be trained here. Anyone can be trained anywhere even in private universities but the environment differs from place to place.

It is quite wrong to judge your future based on the place you are in. You choose how you would like to lead your life and if you are able to, anywhere is not a problem. But if you fail to visualize and be optimistic, your life will be lead by others. Of course, if one has a better offer, choose wisely.

P/s: these are only part of my rants, I have a lot to share but this is sufficient on how i feel. 3 years and 11 months more to go !

1 comment:

元森 said...

life is too challenging here as no water suppy often and full with goreng-pedas food. Dont ever fall sick at here, you will knw how hard you want to recover.